Owen Sound House League Soccer – Details

So we’re going ahead with this, from the feedback so far, we’re hoping it won’t be a problem getting enough players.

Some more “solid” details are the following:

  • Shooting for a start date of June 2nd
  • Game nights should be Tuesday nights. (2 games that night back to back – ie. 6:30 & 7:30)
  • We’re still looking at the cost, and hoping to keep it as reasonable as possible, we’ll know more once we get costs of the field, uniforms, refs, etc etc (range of $100 – $125 / per player)
  • Estimated 16 games in the season

We’re also looking for more people who would be interested in getting involved, we’re not talking about strictly “bitch” work, but actually helping out with the decisions and planning of the league. If you’re truly interested, email me @ fritzbrad[at]hotmail.com

Also, keep spreading the word! The more people we have, the better this season will go. Get them to sign-up here and I’ll send out notifications once we have everything in place.


– Brad