Outdoor Leagues Starting May 22-25

Hey everyone! We’re super excited for our leagues to start up later this month! Tentatively, assuming the fields are in good shape and we get some more sunshine, our first games will be on Monday, May 22nd, Tuesday, May 23rd, and Thursday, May 25th. 

Schedule Update: Start times are now 6 PM and 7:15 PM, with a late game for Tuesday nights at 8:30 PM. The full schedule can be found online on the Owen Sound Soccer Schedule Page

Uniforms will be available for pickup before your first game at the field you’re playing on. Socks, shorts, and a shirt are provided for all players. Shin pads are required to be worn, and proper soccer cleats are highly recommended.

Rosters have had a few changes made since the initial release last month. Please check the rosters to confirm your team. If any further changes are made, impacted players will be individually emailed. Rosters can be found on the website or viewed at the end of this email.

Refunds: At this time, anyone who withdraws from the league is entitled to a 75% refund of their initial fees paid. Anyone who withdraws after the first game is played is entitled to a 50% refund, and anyone who withdraws after the second game will not receive a refund.

REMINDER: All our leagues are intended to be a fun, friendly environment for players of all skill levels. Soccer leagues across Ontario are facing referee shortages, and we’re no exception. There will be ZERO tolerance of abuse of officials or other players.

We’re super excited to see everyone in a couple weeks!

Owen Sound Adult Soccer Committee